International mobility




“A. Calini” High School considers international incoming student individual mobility for periods from one to twelve months a resource for the school community which provides opportunities for intercultural and language exchange and promotes curiosity and respect towards different cultures.

The Italian national education system (MIUR) regulates individual mobility (note n. 843, 10 April 2013, part C) inviting the host school:

  • to make the most of the of foreign student’s presence in class, by encouraging contact with all members of the school community in order to stimulate interest and curiosity towards other cultures;
  • to make sure teachers are aware that the foreign student is used to different teaching/learning methods and assessment and different study habits and every day behaviour;
  • to request class teachers to personalise as far as possible the student’s learning process, with a schooling plan which reflects his/her interests, competences and abilities;
  • to aid the student’s integration, by acquiring information from the sending school regarding the type of school, its method of student evaluation, the visiting student’s study plan there and any specific requirements;
  • to issue the foreign student an attendance certificate and certify the competences reached at the end of the stay in the Italian school;
  • to make sure the Italian laws regarding study visas and permits are respected.
All visiting foreign students must have health insurance and study visas.
  1.  Preliminary procedure for accepting foreign students
    The foreign student’s request to enrol temporarily in “A. Calini” High School must be addressed to the principal, signed both:
    – directly by the foreign student or on his/her behalf by an international organization;
    – by the foreign student’s sending school
    The request must specify the foreign student’s host family arrangements. If our school is required to look for a suitable family to host the incoming student, the Principal, with the aid of the Individual Mobility referent teacher, will try to find one.
    The request must include a description of the sending school, the student’s current subjects, his/her last school report with an evaluation for each subject, and a list of specific documents required by the sending school (e.g. evaluation) from our school at the end of the stay, in order to re-admit the student to his/her original class after the period of mobility.
    The Principal reserves the right to accept or reject requests for individual mobility.
  2. After enrolment
    • A folder with the foreign student’s data will be filed in the student administration office and sent to the referent teacher and the host class coordinator.
    • A suitable class for his/her placement is found, considering the student’s age, his/her level of Italian, the type of school he/she comes from and the characteristics of the hosting class.
    • The foreign student attends lessons regularly and justifies any absence.

a) Host class coordinator

  • Checks the sending school’s requirements regarding student’s subjects and evaluation;
  • Communicates these requirements to the other teachers of the class;
  • Helps the foreign student to settle in to the class and to get to know his/her classmates and vice versa
  • Decides whether to prepare a flexible timetable for the foreign student
    – to take part in lessons in other classes (e.g. language lessons, lessons that are part of his/her study plan);
    – to go the library for individual study time (e.g. to work on sending school subjects, on Italian language, etc).

b) Host class teachers

  • Help the foreign student to fit into the class and learn the Italian language;
  • Encourage him/her to share aspects of his/her culture with the class
  • At the end of the stay, the teachers who have worked with the foreign student evaluate his/her work with a mark and/or a comment on participation, progress and attendance. (This evaluation must be requested at the beginning of the stay)

Italian language course

Our school gives support to students who need to learn Italian via short courses and small group lessons, when money is available to pay the teachers. In Brescia there is a middle school which organises Italian courses, which the foreign student can attend, if necessary.

Brescia, 06.07.2017

Marco Tarolli