Science High School – Advanced Biology

The study of the Chemical-Biological disciplines is also addressed in an application form in both internal and external laboratories as a result of collaboration with a number of active externalities that participate in the realization of the project.

Biennial morning and afternoon laboratory activities are included in the specific projects “Gallo Cedrone” (Western Caper Caillie) for the first year and “DoloMitico” (Dolomites-DoloMythic) for the second year. They are provisional to two different, 2-3 days nature educational trips, which allows the students to put into practice the skills acquired in laboratory activities. In the laboratories, a Guppy fish selection project is in place to confirm the laws of Mendelian genetics. It is run by students of the first through fifth year.


Advanced BiologyThe advanced biological studies in the chemical-biological-naturalistic area schedules an increase in the curriculum hours of Science. They concentrate and value the background knowledge of experience accumulated within our Institute in the teaching of the sciences. This is also addressed with practical application in both internal and external laboratories.