The strict and innovative preparation, characteristic of Calini High School, is complemented with countless extracurricular learning activities successfully promoted by the school that includes:
BOOKTRAILER FILM FESTIVAL: A national competition for high school students aimed at producing short videos to encourage book reading. The evening award ceremony takes place in April. In the 2016/17 scholastic year, the BookTrailer Film Festival was funded by an European “Erasmus plus” project thanks to the educational and cultural innovation value of its proposal. This year, the 10th edition of our festival, which aims at spreading the passion for reading through the languages of cinema and the Internet, will be a European level cultural event. Other initiatives that involve personalities of literature and entertainment and contribute to the promotion of reading and good cinema are associated to this event.
LEARNING WEEK: The full immersion of English learning with mother tongue teachers is offered to students early in the school year. It is complemented by numerous other foreign language-enhancing initiatives throughout the year such as mother-tongue conversations, varied European language certification training, cultural exchanges and internships with foreign schools, theater, astronomy and English language lectures, and Scientific English lexicon.
MATHEMATICS GAMES: Students play and practice maths games amongst themselves and train for the school’s highly selective and competitive math team.

MATHEMATICS OLYMPICS: These include Physics, Information Technology and Neurological Sciences. They are competitions with other schools in Italy, honored annually by our students with optimum.
WORK INTERNSHIPS: The skills learned at school are experienced in a work environment. Students attend on-the- job training in various companies and entities belonging to different economic-productive sectors comprising: bio-medical, economic law, technical-scientific- environmental, cultural and communications, sports, education, social, non-profit, services and linguistics.
CIVIC EDUCATION: These initiatives are aimed at reflecting on the relationship between citizens and institutions, between rights and duties, and between freedom and welfare.
THEATER EXPERIMENTATION: This is an exceptional educational tool that encourages students’ expressiveness. Outstanding and successful performances have been produced and presented in various theaters in the local community every year. Calini is the leading school in the competitive festival of the city’s schools theatrical groups. The festival is called “Inventari Superiori” (High Inventory).

FLY AND ORCHESTRA ATTEMPTS: A program of cultural initiatives with experts in different fields of knowledge, often non-curricular related, such as law, economics, cinema and theater. It is organized throughout the year with voluntary participation by each class.
MUSIC LABORATORY: This is intended to foster socialization skills as well as the ability to work in groups through the sharing and involvement of musical practice. The aim is to develop a sense of belonging to the group and the school environment, as well as mutually enhancing reciprocal listening skills. In recent years, The Calini Ensemble Institute’s Band-Orchestra has participated in events at various theaters and festivals in Northern Italy. They have also contributed to the successful realization of numerous initiatives and celebrations organized by the school.

VOLUNTEERING: The school sponsors varied activities of social support.
SUMMER HELP AND STUDENT HELP: Peer to peer support activities are provided by outstanding students who generously put their skills to the service of their classmates.
SPORT ACTIVITIES: Numerous initiatives involving various sports, curated by the sports department include: basketball and volleyball tournaments, sailing courses, and rugby.
MEDICAL-HEALTH PREVENTION: Targeted interventions ranging from food and sexual education, to prevention and dependencies.
ACQUAMORPHOSIS OF ENVIRONMENT 2.0: A research project in collaboration with il Fondo per l’Ambiente Italian, FAI (The Italian Environment Fund), the University of Technology of Compiègne in Paris, France and the University of Milan, Italy. Water is the central element of the research and it is seen as a morphologic agent that shapes the environment. Water is seen as a resource in the broader sense of the term but also as a risk to man, in a vision that encompasses possible events of hydrogeological disruption but also the complex dynamics of water pollution and its mitigation.